
This episode is a bit... twisted.
It tells about a girl called Tae, who idolizes her childhood friend whom she adoringly calls Kei-chan. Tae wants to keep her Kei-chan (who is a guy btw) happy at all times, and vows to punish anyone who will hurt him. Stalker-lah, this girl.
Kei-chan moved in to the house next to Tae's since young, and their bedrooms are facing each other, so they often knock on each other's window and get along pretty well. Apparently, Tae adored Kei-chan so much, she would do anything for him, even went to the ends to clean her room and borrow it to Kei-chan for the night so that he can have sex with his girlfriend. Like... what??!
So as Kei-chan tries to make a move on his girlfriend, Tae sits out at the playground, where Hone-Onna dropped by on purpose to find out why Tae would do what she did. Tae's logic: she wants to keep Kei-chan as a very good friend forever, protect him, and give him all the happiness she can give him; but she will never get intimate with him. Hone-Onna was blown away by her weird logic.
But it seems Kei-chan's girlfriend dislike the fact that Tae always look at Kei adoringly, thus refuses to have sex, unless he takes her to Hawaii. (I'm stupified.) So Kei-chan pulls a long face to Tae, whining that his cold girlfriend dumped him cause he couldn't give her sex in Hawaii. Tae, sad to see her beloved Kei-chan depressed, tried to comfort him, but Kei-chan took advantage of her sympathy and pushed her down for his helping of pity sex. (wth?) It goes without saying, Tae obliged, but becomes emotionally shattered because she thinks it's the end for her and Kei-chan. She thinks a relationship is over once you become intimate.
The next night Kei-chan was eager to hop over to her room for another meal of pity sex, but this time Tae refused to answer his call, because she thinks it's over between them. Kei-chan insisted on seeing her and tried to climb over her window and pry open, which Tae slides open suddenly, causing him to fall down to his death. Tae become horrified to think that she had caused Kei's death.
In school the following day, Kei's ex-girlfriend snickered around about how Kei's death would be a big loss to his #1 fan, Tae. Having heard the insinuations and previously angered by the fact that ex-girlfriend had hurt Kei-chan, Tae's blood boil, and she pulled the red string on Ai's straw doll...

...sending ex-girlfriend to hell.

Seriously, I don't know what to think of this plot. Tae is likely to be slightly mentally sick, as in obsessed. She's totally obssessed with protecting Kei-chan from being hurt, and also totally warped in her no-intimacy logic. While ex-girlfriend was a bit mean, I do not think she really deserved to go to hell, especially with the request coming from Tae. Whatever occurred between her and Kei should remain both their problems... Tae is, in my opinion, interfering.
On the other hand, I would think Kei is worst off as a person. Not only he took advantage of Tae's kindness (and adoration), he manipulated her sympathy to obtain sexual satisfaction. I mean, boy, get some self-control.
On a side note, the mysterious little shoujo made a brief appearance again, this time to tease Hone-Onna that she is an old obasan. Of course, it pissed Hone-Onna badly.

Let's just hope next episode is not as twisted ya.
All screencaps from Memento.~みはる~