Overall I pretty much enjoyed Jigoku Shoujo because of the pretty colors, soundtrack and voice actings... but the plot for the first season left much to be desired. I thoroughly enjoyed episodes 22-26 of the first season, where they delved into the past of Enma Ai, and her fated connection with Shibata Hajime and Tsugumi. As such, I had hoped for a second season that is as exciting as these few last episodes.
I have just watched the raw of the first episode of the second season: 地獄少女二籠 entitled 闇の中の少女(Girl in the Darkness). This episode's plotline is about a grade school girl Onda Maki, who for some unknown reason is being bullied, or rather, seriously harrassed by some unknown person. The bully apparently vandalized her notebooks and shoes, stapled her sweater sleeves, and stuffed maggots in her pencil case and locker. It was then revealed that her pursuer is her psychotic science teacher, who gets a kick out of harrassing her with such 'fun experiments'. Kinda sick, if you ask me. In Jigoku Shoujo-style, psychotic sensei was sent to hell.
Although it is not really up to my expectations, I think it has improved a slight bit from the previous season. I liked the way they started the season: with a flashback of Ai's past and an implication of how she landed in the Jigoku Shoujo job. Hopefully this is an indication of hte writers' interest to tell us more about Ai's past.
Also Wanyuudou, Ichimoku Ren and Hone Onna were given more involvement and screen time, whilst Enma Ai seemed to have adopted a different attitude/approach in playing her role as the Jigoku Shoujo (although it's quite too early to say). I also liked the way they reflected Ai's past in Onda Maki's circumstances.
I thought this pose is quite cool, especially with Ren towering above Ai. And Ai with the lab coat over the kimono is kawaii!
Another change they gave to the show is that Hone Onna now becomes the straw doll instead of Wanyuudou. I didn't know that Hone Onna could be the doll.... will Ichimoku Ren be the next straw doll??
Furthermore, I like Ai's new kimono!!
And they have also changed her Ippen Shindemiru execution style. Instead of her lifting her right arm with suzu sounds and flowers jumping out of the kimono, Ai raises both arms and sakura petals whirl out of her kimono. The effect is pretty cool.
However, it was quite disappointing to note that the style of Jigoku Shoujo hasn't change much at all. They still adhere to the one-episode-one-revenge kind of plot. What piqued my interest was that near the end of this episode, there is a mysterious kimono-wearing little girl jumping out from behind the shadows giggling, obviously have been monitoring the moves of Enma Ai and her entourage. Hopefully we'll get more dark drama, instead of some cutesy supporting role.
Hopefully this will lead to a main story development about Ai's and her helpers' pasts. I'd be kinda bored if they keep to the one-episode-one-revenge style.
Plus, the ED theme by Noto Mamiko is quite nice. The ED sequence is also quite pretty, with many different shots of Ai in different kimonos.
I love the pretty kimono-Ai styles!!
Screenshots from memento